weather [wind] [6] [comprehension quiz]

weather [wind] [6] [comprehension quiz]
Jet streams are bands of strong wind that generally blow from west to east all across the globe.
They are narrow bands of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere.
The position of the
polar jet stream
or the
subtropical jet stream
over the UK
determines the type of weather we have.
If the polar jet stream
is situated to the
south of the UK
we will experience
colder than average weather.
If the polar jet stream
is situated to the
north of the UK
we will experience
warmer than average weather.
If the polar jet stream
is situated
over the UK
we will experience
wetter and windier than average weather.
Jets streams however do not stay in the same position or flow in the same pattern.
The diagram shows how they can be both stable or wavy. and the labels show the effects of these changes.
5 question quiz [template]

1. What is a jet stream?
bands of moderate winds low in the atmosphere
bands of weak winds high in the atmosphere
bands of strong winds high in the atmosphere

2. Which of these is not a jet stream?
polar jet stream
tropical jet stream
subtropical jetstream

3. If the polar jetstream is situated over the UK....
we will experience colder and wetter weather
we will experience drier and windier weather
we will experience wetter and windier weather

4. If the polar jetstream is situated south of the UK....
colder than average weather
warmer than average weather
wetter than average weather

5. If the polar jetstream is situated north of the UK....
colder than average weather
warmer than average weather
wetter than average weather

[News Flash]
There are 6 pictures in a grid. As you hover over each picture a blue screen appears on which there is some information about what is being shown in the picture. Read this information and look at each picture to make sure you understand what is being shown. If you want to check how much you understand try the quiz on the right hand side. To start the activity again just refresh the page.