weather [wind] [6] [information over pictures]

weather [wind] [6] [information over pictures]
Jet streams are bands of strong wind that generally blow from west to east all across the globe.

These are relatively narrow bands of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere.

The position of the polar jet stream or the subtropical jet stream over the UK determines the type of weather we experience.

If the polar jet stream is situated to the south of the UK we will experience colder than average weather.

If the polar jet stream is situated to the north of the UK we will experience warmer than average weather.

If the polar jet stream is situated over the UK we will experience wetter and windier than average weather.
These jets streams however do not stay in the same position or flow in the same pattern.

The diagram shows how they can be both stable or wavy and the labels show the effects of these changes.
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