Showing posts with label Earth orbit axis tilt rotation [connecting part sentences]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth orbit axis tilt rotation [connecting part sentences]. Show all posts

Earth orbit axis tilt rotation [connecting part sentences]

Earth orbit axis tilt rotation [connecting part sentences]
All the planets in our ....
Orbit means ...
Planets orbit the Sun in an....
Anti-clockwise means the ...
The Earth takes ...
The Earth rotates ..
Rotate ...
The axis is an imaginary line...
Earth was in collision ...
This caused Earth to ...
..Solar System orbit the Sun. go around.
..anti-clockwise direction.
..opposite way to a clock.
..365 days to orbit the Sun.
..anti-clockwise on its axis.
..means to spin.
..north - south through Earth.
..with a planet called Theia.
..develop a tilt of 23 degrees.
[News Flash]
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