Stage 1: Wash the body with salty water both inside and outside to cleanse it.

Stage 2: Using a hook pushed up through the nose break up the brain

Stage 3: Make a cut in the left hand side of the body and remove the organs

Stage 4: Treat the lungs, liver, intestines and stomach with salt and place in canopic jars.

Stage 5: Cleanse the inside of the body with palm oil and spices and replace the heart.

Stage 6: Pack the body with linen or straw to fill it out to look more human.

Stage 7: Cover the body with salt (natron) and allow it to dry out for 40 days.

Stage 8: Seal the cut with wax and place the amulets in their correct places on the body.

Stage 9: Cover the body with resin to seal it and then wrap it in linen fabric.

Stage 10: Place the mummy mask over the face and place the body in the sarcophagus.

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