- These are screenshots taken from the video clip to help you understand the topic.
- 17. Why do clouds form at different heights ?
- 18. What are the names of the highest clouds [above 18,000 feet] ?
- 19. What are the names of the mid-level clouds [6,500-18,000 feet] ?
- 20. What are the names of the low level clouds [up to 6,500 feet] ?
- 21. Which are the most common of the high clouds ?
- 22. How can you identify this type of cloud ?
- 23. How would you describe Cirrostratus clouds ?
- 24. What is unusual about these types of cloud ?
- 25. These clouds are usually seen 12-24 hours before what ?
- 26. How would you describe Cirrocumulus clouds ?
- 27. Which animal feature do these clouds look like?
- 28. What colour are Altostratus clouds and what are they composed of ?
- 29. How do Altocumulus clouds differ ?
- 30. Which clouds are a uniform grey colour and often cover the entire sky ?
- 31. What makes Stratocumulus clouds different ?
- 32. When would you expect to come across Nimbostratus clouds ?
- 33. How would you describe cumulus clouds ?
- 34. Which vegetable do Cumulus congestus clouds look like ?
- 35. What is another name for thunderstorm clouds ?
- 36. Winds can often flatten the top of a cloud formation to create the shape of what ?
- 37. Why is it important to note the direction in which the shape is pointing ?