Showing posts with label division [number puzzles] [calculator] [rhyming words]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label division [number puzzles] [calculator] [rhyming words]. Show all posts

division [number puzzles] [calculator] [rhyming words]

number puzzles [08] [calculator] [division] [rhyming words] [1]

10 question quiz [template]
What is the answer to the sum?

6 8 10 20 30
[News Flash]
Click once on each of the pictures in alphabetical order. A number will appear in the window. As you click on each of the pictures you will end up with a mathematical sum. Work out the answer to the sum and put a blue dot next to the number which you think is the correct answer. Then click GET SCORE to see if you were right. To restart the activity just refresh the page.