Showing posts with label from farm to fork [matching pictures to detailed labels] [2a]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label from farm to fork [matching pictures to detailed labels] [2a]. Show all posts

from farm to fork [matching pictures to detailed labels] [2a]

from farm to fork [matching pictures to detailed labels] [2a]

Pictures to move

Crunchy Peppers from farm to fork

grown in huge greenhouses

from nursery planted saplings

    they grow up a series of strings

    all peppers start out as green...

    ....but they then turn red.....

    ....and then turn yellow...or purple

    all are gently picked by hand..

    ..placed in carts ready to be..

    ....sorted into their colours

    packaged in plastic to keep fresh

    into refridgerated lorries

    transported to supermarket

    on supermarket shelves

      [News Flash]
      Drag each of the pictures and drop them into the correct order of from farm to fork [or in this case supermarket]. You can re-arrange the order of the pictures at any time. To restart the activity just refresh the page.