Showing posts with label human bones of the skeleton [wordsearch] [disappearing words]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human bones of the skeleton [wordsearch] [disappearing words]. Show all posts

human bones of the skeleton [wordsearch] [disappearing words]

bones [wordsearch] [disappearing words]

h f a m u r c a s t
p u e s r w e s k a
f h m m t a m e u r
i e a e u e d w l s
b n t l r r r i l a
u i i o a u a n u l
l p b r k n s n u s
a s i y o u g b l m
s c a p u l a e i u
i s l a p r a c s r

carpals found itcan't find it yet
femur found itcan't find it yet
fibula found itcan't find it yet
humerus found itcan't find it yet
phalanges found itcan't find it yet
radius found itcan't find it yet
ribs found itcan't find it yet
sacrum found itcan't find it yet
scapula found itcan't find it yet
skull found itcan't find it yet
spine found itcan't find it yet
sternum found itcan't find it yet
tarsals found itcan't find it yet
tibia found itcan't find it yet
ulna found itcan't find it yet
[News Flash]
This is a wordsearch made up of the names of bones in a human skeleton. Look at the list of words down the right hand side. These are all words to be found in the wordsearch. Find each of the words in the wordsearch and click on each letter to turn it yellow. *Take care as once it has turned yellow that's it unless you refresh the page. Put a blue dot in the list of words to say you have found it. Can you read the message from the remaining letters?