Showing posts with label parts of speech [collective nouns] [lists]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parts of speech [collective nouns] [lists]. Show all posts

parts of speech [collective nouns] [lists]

Collective Nouns Used For Animals
an army of ants
a bevy of quail
a broad of chickens
a catch of fish
a cloud of insects
a colony of gulls
a drove of horses
a flight of birds
a flock of sheep
a gaggle of geese
a haul of fish
a herd of cattle
a hive of bees
a host of sparrows
a kindle of kittens
a litter of cubs
a menagerie of wild animals
a murder of crows
a nest of mice
a pack of wolves
a plague of locusts
a pride of lions
a school of whales
a shoal of fish
a skein of wild geese in flight
a string of horses
a stud of horses
a swarm of bees
a team of oxen
a train of camels
a tribe of goats
a troop of lions
a zoo of wild animals
Common Collective Noun List; Collective Noun Meaning Board the group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing a company or organization.
Bunch 1. a number of things of the same type fastened together or in a close group. 2. a group of people.
Choir a group of people who sing together.
Class a group of students who are taught together at school, college, or university.
Committee a small group of people chosen to represent a larger organization and either make decisions or collect information for it.
Crew a group of people who work together, especially all those who work on and operate a ship, aircraft, etc.
Crowd a large group of people who have come together.
Flock a group of sheep, goats, or birds.
Group a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit
Gang 1. a group of criminals who work together. 2. a group of young people, especially young men, who spend time together,
often fighting with other groups and behaving badly. 3. a group of friends. 4. a group of workers or prisoners who work together.
Heap an untidy pile or mass of things.
Herd a large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together.
Mob 1. a large, angry crowd, especially one that could easily become violent. 2. a group of people who are friends or who are similar in some way.
Orchestra a large group of musicians who play many different instruments together and are led by a conductor.
Pack 1. a group of animals, such as dogs, that live and/or hunt together. 2. a group, set, or collection of something.
Panel a small group of people chosen to give advice, make a decision, or publicly discuss their opinions as entertainment.
Pile a mass of something that has been placed somewhere.
Series a number of similar or related events or things, one following another.
Set a group of similar things that belong together in some way.
Shoal a large number of fish swimming as a group.
Shower a lot of small objects or drops of liquid coming through the air.
Stack a pile of things arranged one on top of another.
Staff the group of people who work for an organization.
Swarm 1. a large group of insects all moving together. 2. a large group of people all moving together.
Team a number of people or animals who do something together as a group.
Troupe a group of performers such as singers or dancers who work and travel together.
Common Collective Nouns Used For People an army of soldiers
an audience of listeners
a band of musicians
a board of directors
a choir of singers
a class of students
a crew of sailors
a crowd of people
a flock of tourists
a gang of labourers
a group of dancers
a panel of experts
a staff of employees
a tribe of natives
Common Collective Nouns Used For Animals
an army of ants
a catch of fish
a flight of birds
a flock of sheep
a haul of fish
a herd of cattle
a hive of bees
a host of sparrows
a litter of cubs
a murder of crows
a pack of wolves
a team of horses
a troop of lions

a zoo of wild animals
Common Collective Nouns
an album of photographs
a basket of fruit
a bowl of rice
a bouquet of flowers
a bunch of keys
a galaxy of stars
a group of islands
a fleet of ships
a forest of trees
a hedge of bushes
a library of books
a pack of cards
a pair of shoes
a range of mountains
a string of pearls
a wad of notes