- Fact : All flowering plants go through a life cycle.
- Fact : It starts with a seed which has been covered with soil.
- Fact : The seed takes in food and water from the soil.
- Fact : Roots begin to form and anchor the seed in the ground.
- Fact : From the seed a shoot grows upwards towards the light.
- Fact : The shoot emerges into the sunlight as a seedling.
- Fact : The seedling sprouts leaves.
- Fact : The leaves take in food from the air and sunlight.
- Fact : A flower forms and produces pollen.
- Fact : Pollen is carried by insects or blown by the wind to another flower.
- Fact : This process is called pollination.
- Fact : When pollen reaches a flower it fertilises the egg cells to make seeds.
- Fact : This process is called fertilisation.
- Fact : These seeds are scattered by animals or the wind.
- Fact : This process is called dispersal.
- Fact : Some of the seeds will grow into new plants.
- Fact : A seed growing into a plant is called germination.
- Fact : We call this a life cycle because it happens over and over again.
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Showing posts with label plant life cycles [animated facts] [flowering plants] [appear]. Show all posts