Showing posts with label problem solving puzzles [who has the memory stick]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label problem solving puzzles [who has the memory stick]. Show all posts

problem solving puzzles [who has the memory stick]

solving puzzles [who has the memory stick] You have seconds [10 minutes] to solve the puzzle.
Information Over Pictures [ToolTips] [10x6]
The basic 10 question quiz

1. PENGUINLIONTIGERBEARBEAR does not have the memory stick.
2. DOGGOATPARROTPARROTGOATPIG does not have the memory stick.
3. CHICKENTIGERLIONLIONMOUSE does not have the memory stick.
4. MONKEYGOATMOUSEPIGTIGER does not have the memory stick.
5. DUCKGIRAFFEGIRAFFEELEPHANTTIGER does not have the memory stick.
6. CHICKENTIGERDUCKLIONCHICKENTIGER does not have the memory stick.
7. PARROTTIGERGIRAFFEELEPHANTPIGGOAT does not have the memory stick.
8. MONKEYGOATHIPPOPOTAMUSTIGER does not have the memory stick.

Therefore the person that does have the memory stick is?.
Hassan Jayne Gerry Jade Ollie Selina George Sunny Brett

[News Flash]
There are nine people travelling on your plane. One of them is a spy carrying a memory stick containing the coding of a computer virus.. They are going to pass these on to people at the airport where you are landing. Can you work out which of the nine people in the grid has the memory stick. The only clues you have is in code in the form of animal names. But can you solve the puzzle in the time available before you land. The puzzle will self-destruct in 10 minutes. To restart the activity just refresh the page.