See the complete list of activities at the bottom of the page.

Showing posts with label vowels [connecting words with mixed up vowels] [1]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vowels [connecting words with mixed up vowels] [1]. Show all posts
vowels [connecting words with mixed up vowels] [1]
animals beginning with A - antelope, alligator, albatross, aardvark

animated numbers [connecting 4 rows] [appear
  • intolupa

  • ellugotar

  • elbutress

  • uerdvirk

[News Flash]
This activity is based on 4 sets of words appearing slowly. The problem for you is that all of the vowels have been changed. The challenge is to work out the connection between them before all are shown. Hover over the blue rectangle at the top to see if you got the names and the connections correct.