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Showing posts with label seasons [compound sentences] [1]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seasons [compound sentences] [1]. Show all posts

seasons [compound sentences] [1]

seasons [compound sentences] [1]
It's called a Solar System..
My Very Easy...
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter,
We live on...
A star is a..
Remember order of planets..
The Earth is one of eight..
A planet is a body..
A Sun also..
A Sun...
..planets in our Solar System.
..that goes around a Sun.
..Method Just Soaks Up Names.
..bright, shining ball of gas.
..because a Sun is at its centre.
..Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. off light and heat.
..a planet called Earth. a star.
..from the Sun with a rhyme.
[News Flash]
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